ssahnic da hedgeman
ssahnic da hedgeman
yesss yesssssssssssss
considering you're new to this site and you seemed to ask a question at the end of the description i will explain how i found you:
unscouted artists appear in a special category of the art portal (the thing where everything is posted). once you upload 5 drawings you will be able to be scouted, once you accept the invitation to get scouted (it will appear in your DMS) your art be seen in the main page of the art portal!
Oh, wow, thank you very much! That explains a lot, thanks for the respond, I don’t think I would be able to figure it out without your help, I am glad that people like you still exist
hollow knight :D :)
super dooper art u did it again mr pankr applause.mp3
than k you phili pee pee
try making the character stand out a bit more from the background!
try making the character be more colorful instead of the background to add more contrast
thank u for the advice :)
mr dumb guy
i love the brush work
i don't do commissions
Joined on 6/4/20