it go bloop
it go bloop
facebook mom got a god damn huyge robot of destruction god damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
holy shit its a big beam in da skyyyyyyyyy
a devious little creature
wait this isnt dr piccolo panker what is this
soirry thats the echofighter you didnt see it in the reveal trailer rewatch it i swear its there
i dont really know or care much about sora but seeing people being very happy about the inclusion in the livestream chat convinced me that it was one of the best picks they could of done, so i guess it's all good :)
jesse i got turnedef into zombrihe
jesse i have terminal zombie disease we nbeed to cook
peculiar amount of Deltarune Artwork, Mr Kanye. (this bangas)
i love berton
i don't do commissions
Joined on 6/4/20