littrle fishey
littrle fishey
can rolle
those are some good guys
im still traumatized by the motion controls
Its really nice to see higher resolution drawings from you!! I like how you keep putting in the moonpie alien
I'm glad I started playing with the pencil tools more because now my digital drawings are starting to look closer to my traditional ones on office paper or sticky notes. Pen pressure or whatever it's called is still something I need to adjust more to get the pencil feel right, tho.
And the moonpie alien is going to appear whenever it feels right!
hooray videogames
good artwork :)
hi todd
thank you
i have yet to get to kumatora
pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire pk fire
i love the little detail of the non-properly unwrapped uvs and textures on the characters, great art!
amy o . amy ong us. .
kill yourself
i don't do commissions
Joined on 6/4/20